GFA and UNEP Call for Fashion Industry Insights to Inform Upcoming Publications


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Global Fashion Agenda invites you to share your insights in the Fashion Industry Target Consultation (FITC) by 25 March 2024.


What is the Fashion Industry Target Consultation?


Formally launched at COP27 in November 2022, the Fashion Industry Target Consultation is a multi-stakeholder project led by Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The first year of the consultation was to identify and converge existing industry aligned ambitions and milestones, according to the five priorities of the Fashion CEO Agenda: Respectful & Secure Work Environments, Better Wage Systems, Resource Stewardship, Smart Material Choices and Circular Systems. This year, the consultation seeks to gather insights on key milestones that the industry must strive to meet to achieve a net positive industry.

Who Can Participate?


Between 19 February 2024 – 25 March 2024, Global Fashion Agenda and United Nations Environment Programme invites stakeholders and partners from across the global value chain including brands, retailers, NGOs, manufacturers, land stewards, Indigenous communities, data providers, innovators, intergovernmental organisations, policy makers, academia, certification bodies, and more to share their insights on the ambitions and milestones that the industry must strive to meet, and importantly to also gauge what tools and support are needed by these actors to take action.


The ambitions included in the consultation help to provide clarity and drive accountability for a range of consistent, measurable, monitored, and complete goals, so that the industry is able to understand the current state of progress, the areas that must be focused on to accelerate impact, and the timeframe to do so.

What’s Next?


Last year, over 900 stakeholders from 90 countries participated. The identified ambitions that came forward from the first consultation were included in the 2023 Fashion CEO Agenda. The consultation also provided a baseline for industry progress which was presented in the GFA Monitor 2023. This year marks the second year of the consultation, focused on 27 action areas with new questions to address developments on chemical usage and circularity. This more streamlined approach aims for more complete submissions.


The goal is to annually measure industry-wide progress against key milestones to achieve net-positive, and to use the consultation to identify and act upon the needed tools and support for accelerating action. Results are presented in the GFA Monitor, acting as a gauge of the industry. The next GFA Monitor is expected Q4 2024.

Share your feedback here to help shape the trajectory of the fashion industry.

Though we value your input across all five priorities, you can also select the specific sections you wish to complete. You may leave and return to the website at any point if you wish to provide feedback in stages.

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