Global Textiles Policy Forum
Global Fashion Agenda presents the Global Textiles Policy Forum (GTPF), a platform fostering coordinated policy efforts in response to the surge in global textiles legislation, aiming to achieve a fashion and textiles industry that puts back more into society, the environment, and the global economy than it takes out by 2030.

What is the Global Textiles Policy Forum?
The GTPF seeks to address the global interactions of changing textiles policy and promote dialogue on national policy by providing a dedicated platform for exchange between institutions and government representatives, industry stakeholders, associations, and think thanks. Participants have the opportunity to meet, discuss and agree on an ambitious sustainability pathway for the industry and identify the challenges in aligning regulatory frameworks necessary for achieving a net-positive fashion industry. After thorough discussions, the GTPF decided to concentrate its efforts on a single workstream dedicated to waste and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), a pressing and highly relevant topic in today’s discourse on sustainability in the textiles industry.
The key dates of the Global Textiles Policy Forum
- 28 June 2023: Official launch of the GTPF at the Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2023. A first roundtable took place for stakeholders to provide their expectations for the GTPF, highlighting the most important topics to be covered under its scope and the several important attributes for its success.
- 8 November 2023: First online meeting held to agree on a strategy for the GTPF.
- March 2024: First workstream meetings held online.
- 21 May 2024: Second in-person roundtable held during the Global Fashion Summit: Copenhagen Edition 2024 to reflect upon the results of the GTPF one year after its creation and discuss the needs for global policy coordination ahead of the G7-2024 and UNEA-6.
- June, September and December 2024: Online workstream meetings held to further define the challenges the GTPF can address, explore contributions to the G7 Alliance on Resource Efficiency’s agenda for Circular Textiles & Fashion, and engage in the global textiles policy dialogue promoted by UNEP.
The number of participants has rapidly grown since the launch of the GTPF and now includes:
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
- UN Alliance for Sustainable Fashion
- United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
- United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP)
- American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA)
- Associação Brasileira da Indústria Têxtil e de Confecção (Abit)
- Cascale
- China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC)
- European Branded Clothing Association (EBCA)
- European Fashion Alliance (EFA)
- European Apparel and Textile Organisation (EURATEX)
- International Apparel Federation (IAF)
- The Bangladeshi Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Brazilian Ministry of the Environment
- Chilean Ministry of Environment
- Colombian Ministry in charge of Commerce
- Industry and Tourism, European Commission
- European Environment Agency
- French Ministry in charge of Ecological Transition
- Danish Ministry of the Environment
- German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
- International Labour Organization (ILO)
- International Trade Centre
- New York State Assembly
- Policy Hub-Circularity for Apparel and Footwear
- Sustainable Textile of the Asian Region (STAR)
- Asia Pacific Rayon (APR)
- Better Cotton Initiative
- Bitopi Group
- Chatham House
- Fashion Takes Action (FTA)
- Flanders DC
- Laudes Foundation
- Syre